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The Fusion of Osteopathy and Dynamic Ultrasound


Structure and Function are Reciprocal!

The structure of the body determines how it functions and vice versa. If a joint does not function well it will lead to degenerative changes within the joint.  A diagnosis of arthritis and degenerative joint change is then given.

Where is the Needle?

Needle placement and direction is an important aspect when injecting glucose or PRP. Correct placement of the needle reduces patient discomfort and places the medicine appropriately to achieve maximum therapeutic value.

Removing guesswork!

By viewing the tissues directly through dynamic ultrasound we are able to better define where the problem exists, what it is and the appropriate treatment to resolve it. We can also check the results objectively.

What is Osteosonics?


It is a new term created by the fusion of the principles and practice of osteopathic medicine with dynamic ultrasound evaluation. I gained my degree in osteopathic medicine some 25 years ago and have been practising according to my training since that time. Admittedly my adjustments and manipulation has been successful  but there has always been a 10 to 15% failure rate due to me not understanding the underlying structural problem that is maintaining the symptoms.

For example, over 85% of patients suffering from low back pain has instability in the spino-pelvic complex (lower back pain). Because the muscles of the buttock and spine are in spasm the usual treatment would be heat and massage to relax the muscles and manipulation to the spine and pelvis.

Obviously this is the wrong treatment for the patient even though there is slight improvement in mobility and pain. However this treatment is repeated several times with little or no further improvement until the patient decides to stop treatment and follows a different course of action.

Without the use of osteosonics it would be impossible to ascertain whether there is instability in the ligaments that connect the pelvis to the spine. Adjustments and manipulation will add to this instability creating further problems for the patient.

Dr Barrie demonstrates a PRP injection to an arthritic knee joint.

Apart from direct injury to the knee joint most insidious degenerative changes to the function of the knee is caused by ligament laxity. At some stage in the past the patient has twisted or strained the knee resulting in joint instability.

Over a period of time the bones of the knee joint start to erode causing the characteristic scans and pain of knee arthritis.

PRP intervention should have occurred earlier, strengthening the ligaments of the knee and preventing degenerative change.

Dr Barrie demonstrates a PRP injection to an arthritic Shoulder joint.

The dark area on the dynamic ultrasound shows an injury to the ligament as it inserts into the head of the humerus. This has caused avulsion fractures (where the ligament inserts into the bone) and is maintaining discomfort and restriction in the range of movement.

The PRP is injected into this damaged area promoting new growth of ligament, shoulder stability, decreasing pain and an increase in the range of movement.

The changes can be observed using dynamic ultrasound several weeks later.