Samantha J. attended the clinic suffering from pain/movement restriction in her right knee. She has complained of pain in the knee for nearly 15 years but decided six months ago to have an MRI and investigation of her knee.
She was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of her right knee and prescribed anti-inflammatories to control symptoms.
She now finds the pain and restriction is interfering with daily activities and decided to visit me for PRP rather than the suggested surgery and possible new replacement.
Arthritis in the knee is one of the most common complaints that patients present to us at Centre for Bioregulatory Medicine. More often than not, they have experienced years of traditional care for knee pain, from regularly taking NSAIDs to cortisone injections, and even a surgery to “clean out” the joint as they tell us.
By the time they arrive in our office, the possibility of a future knee replacement has already been discussed with their local orthopedic surgeon as the progression of arthritis appears unstoppable. No doubt, continuing with most of the traditional pain management methods, a person will end up with a knee replacement.
Preferring to not take that route, Prolotherapy, and often PRP Prolotherapy, is an excellent alternative to surgery because it addresses the root cause of what started the arthritic progression in addition to the ongoing damage. The underlying cause of the arthritis is actually due to structural damage that leads to degenerative changes in the knee.
Meniscus tears or injuries to the supporting knee ligamentous system will eventually lead to degenerative arthritis. Determine the underlying cause of the weakness and instability; stop the degenerative process with regenerative injection treatments such as Prolotherapy and/or PRP Prolotherapy; halt the progression of arthritis.
Using ultrasound guidance we can deliver the PRP directly into the joint without damage to the bones of the knee. On the video it is possible to see the patella, top of the tibia and the space where we need to place the PRP.
Knee pain can start from a traumatic event, such as a fall or football tackle. Or it can become more apparent over time, with increasingly stiff and swollen knees. The underlying cause of knee pain is joint instability due to weakness in the ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee joint. Knee joint instability can also result in the knee cap tracking abnormally, causing pain and the cartilage under the knee cap to wear down. Surgical intervention to remove tissues, including the meniscus or cartilage, puts increased pressure on the other areas of the knee and worsens knee instability. Over time, this worsened joint instability leads to severe cartilage defects, osteoarthritis, and additional surgeries that will eventually include joint replacement.
Prolotherapy is an excellent first-line treatment that can stabilize the knee joint, regenerate cartilage, and stop the accelerated degenerative cascade. Because of these facts, many people are choosing to Prolo their knee pain away!

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